Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sooo, maybe paleo will do it for me

After almost a month of seeing absolutely no results while hearing my new workout partner boast about her clothes fitting better after just a week, I've decided to go paleo (possibly primal, not officially decided yet). 

I've always thought these types of diets were crazy, but after reading the reasoning behind paleo, and the things it will help with I've decided that gluten and processed anything may have been my problem all along. Brain fog, no energy, upset stomache from the oddest foods, all of this is supposedly corrected by going paleo. I personally know people who have had outstanding results with the diet (or lifestyle change, cause if it works theres no going back) and I truly hope this is what its going to take for me. 

I already eat mostly healthy, but its little things that are going to be hard to switch like my morning coffee with french vanilla creamer. It has sugar and its horribly processed, but its SOO good....and unfortunately one of those things that upsets my stomach. Unfortunately I know its the creamer because I can have coffee with just plain milk without the problems. :/ Oh well, I'd rather be skinny and healthy than fat and drinking my coffee every morning. If this doesn't work, I give. I'll be doomed to be fat for life and I'm just going to have to learn to accept it. End of story. 

So tomorrow beings my paleo journey, heres hoping this is the last new discovery. I'll post results in 30 days, because that time frame is usually what it takes to start seeing the full benefits of the diet.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

I think my problem is ADD. Seriously, why can't I focus on one thing for very long? 

In case that wasn't clear, I've ditched Slim in 6 for now. I even stopped taking the shakeology. Thankfully I haven't put the weight back on, but I haven't dropped anymore either. 

I haven't stopped everything though. I managed to find a workout partner, something I thought would never happen. We signed up for some classes at a local gym (and by local I mean a half hour drive from me, but worth it). Yesterday we did our first session of.....TRX! Yes, I am dead. It was fun though. If this doesn't kick my butt into shape nothing will. They also offer LesMills BodyPump which I've been wanting to try for a while. My partner and I were going to go today but we're in to much pain, so we think its safer to take a break and maybe just take a long walk to stretch out. 

Crossing my fingers....again. I'll weigh and measure in a week and hopefully have results to post.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

So just a really brief update here. My husband finally gave me back my scale and tape measure (on our planned day, go figure, he didn't make me beg). Results: 197.6 lbs. Still down from my starting weight, so no complaints. As for inches: over all 8.5. Not bad. Thats the totally for approximately 3 weeks, none of which involved me sticking to the actual workout regimen I had planned on, so again its a big win. Hopefully I'll see somewhat similar results by next week by actually sticking to things this week. 

I completed a 2.5 mile walk/run last night. Plan for today: 3.5 mile walk/run.

Friday, July 26, 2013

I've finally given up the scale habit

I've finally given up the scale....well not permanently, but I'm not jumping on it five times a day anymore. My husband has kindly agreed to hide the darned thing from me all but once a week. Same with the tape measure. 

This actually freeing and quite motivating somehow. All during my workout I'm like 'hmm, I wonder how much I weigh. I don't know, so I'd better work twice as hard so I don't disappoint myself the one time I get to step on the scale this week.' Its almost become a treat to step on the scale so I have to make it count so much more than if I could just jump on whenever I want. The whole idea sounds stupid to me, yet it works. 

So, I'm not going to give my weekly weigh in for my first week of shakeology because I haven't been able to check the scale (or measure), but I'll give an update on Wednesday, my current weekly weigh day. Cross your fingers for me!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

So I had a really good start to my day. First I jump on the scale (because I'm a scale whore and I can't help it) and i'm down 1.4 lbs from yesterday morning!! Then I measure my waist and i'm down another 3/4 inch from about 4 days ago! I don't know if the shakeology really works that well or what but I'll absolutely take these results and run with them. I just hope I can keep up something like this in a few weeks when I start getting bored with my workouts. My father in law and his friend have decided to do a marine daily workout (cause they were BORED...psychos) so they're dragging me along to that a few times a week and maybe a weight night thrown in just for more FUN so they are my accountability for the moment. I hope they can give me momentum when mine runs out.


P.s. Add a little banana and coconut milk to chocolate shakeology and it tastes slightly less like butt. Definitely a good morning. Off to push play now and get my Slim in 6: Ramp it up done.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Starting, for real this time. Seriously...

Hmmmmm, any point in actually writing this, seeing as how I leave it for over a year? We'll see. 

Today I'm starting shakeology in another desperate attempt to lose weight. I have a serious focus now so I'm willing to spend hundreds of dollars on some shakes that taste like butt.....this had so better be worth it. 

I'm hoping the shakeology will jump start the actual weight loss because I need to lose lbs. I know people say that the tape measure is all the matters, but unfortunately for me the lbs matter more. My goal is to join the air force by spring of next year and for my height (they claim I'm 5'3" even though every doctor I've been to says 5'4") I need to be 155. So I'm giving myself until the end of the year to complete my goal. That's putting me at losing .53 lbs per week. Doable right? (if i calculated correctly, feel free to correct my if I'm wrong, lol). 

The exercise program that I'm using is Slim In 6 for the moment. I've been doing it for around 12 days so far, and I've actually lost 3/4 inch off my waste and 1/2 inch off my arms but no weight loss so far. I just bounce between 199 and 201.

 I started my morning with a glass of lemon water followed by the foulest tasting chocolate flavored thingy I've ever had. I used water and vanilla activia because I don't have a blender for anything else (believe me that's going to be the next thing I'm buying). The scale read 199.8 when I got on it first thing this morning and my goal is to be down 10 lbs this month (because the first bit of weight is usually the easiest if you start hard and fast). A lot a of first time shakeology users say they lost upwards of 5 lbs their first week on this stuff, so I might even be able to beat my goal. 

So, here I go. I'm going to try to update at least twice a week including a weekly weight in and measure, but I might mange every day because I'm going to use this as sort of a food journal as well to keep me some what accountable.

Please feel free to comment. I don't bit and I would definitely appreciate support or words or wisdom or constructive criticism.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Soooooooo lazy...

So the last post, which I published mere seconds ago, was from approximately three weeks ago. I got a promotion at work, then it was taken away so I pretty much didn't care for a while. But now I've got it again, and hopefully I'll keep it (it's not actually a promotion, just a department transfer, but it involves a pay raise and a job I don't hate quite as much, so it's a freakin promotion to me!!).

Anyways, now that my mood has improved a bit, I have started working out, and I have a great workout routine that I do with weights. Light weights of course, but I hope to start advancing in those.

I weighed myself for the first time a couple days ago, and discovered I lost three lbs!! Yay! Of course, it's probably just water weight, but that has to happen in the beginning anyways so it's a start. I can't wait to start feeling my clothes loosen. I've started doing a lot of dancing each week on top of the weights, so hopefully the two together will start burning the inches.

Feel free to leave ideas and suggestions for diet and exercise secrets that you might have. At this point I'm desperate and will try anything (within reason) and I could use all the help I can get.